Saturday, August 15, 2020

Swadeshi Mandi Inauguration

On the occasion of 74th Independence Day, NITIE inaugurated Swadeshi Mandi digitally. This event was joined by several dignitaries including our Director Prof. Manoj Tiwari, NITIE faculty members, and chief guest from the Ministry of HRD.

Today we got the chance to hear

  1. Shri Abhay Jere – Chief Innovation Officer, Ministry of HRD, Govt. Of India
  2. Madam Apeksha; founder of “Zyka Ka Tadka” 

Shri Abhay Jere very well explained the objective behind Aatmanirbahar Bharat. This crisis has taught us the value of local products, we need to be self-reliant and promote local products. To revive our economy every Indian should not only take a pledge but also prefer and promote local products whole heartily.

We need to be Job giver instead of Jobseeker, start-ups are need of the hour. People discuss many good ideas but only a few get started. If we start doing today from the scrap then soon it will grow big by the dedication and hard work. To achieve the $ 5 trillion economy, we all need to play a big role in it.

Madam Apeksha graduated from NITIE in 2007, later joined P&G. But she always wanted to do something in her own country by herself. She left the job and started the “Zyka Ka Tadka” a cooking tutorial on youtube with her mom. Today she has 4.38 lakh subscribers on the channel. On her channel, the most-watched video has 31 lakh views. Lal10, Cashify, Cropwheel, and Quifers are the few startups by the NITIE students.

Instead of seeking shelter under other’s umbrella, hold your umbrella, and offer shelter to others.

For having a start-up we don’t need a big investment and super ideas, ideas are everywhere around us. Madam Apeksha started Zyka ka Tadka with only Rs 30,000, we need to give a start to our idea.

Corona has shown us that the job market is volatile, it can turn around anytime. Where else in the business you are the owner and you will decide the direction of it.

We need to start selling and promoting local products, jobs are diminishing and start-ups are call of the hour.

#Aatmanirbahar_ Bharat  #Vocal_For_Local  #Swadeshi_Mandi


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